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Untold Habits! Only Smart People Have | Smart People Habits | habits

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Habits Only Smart People Have | Smart People Habits | Habits Of Smart People | habits | smart people

 Some people look to a person’s genetics as an explanation for their intelligence.   Some reason it’s environmental factors. While both do play a part in someone’s intelligence, intelligence can also grow through healthy lifestyle choices and interesting habits.

 ‘What are some of these habits?’ you may ask.  Well, here are six habits most smart people have.

 #1.) They Have a Habit of Daydreaming.

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 Stuck daydreaming while working on that tough project? It might not be so bad after all. There may be some benefits in taking a quick daydream break while working on another simple task according to research.

 A 2012 study from the University of California, found that: when subjects engaged in an undemanding task during an incubation period from a demanding task, it led to “substantial improvements in performance on previously encountered problems,” according to the study.

All participants were given a demanding task. Some subjects were given a break, some no break, while some were given an undemanding task to complete - that maximized mind-wandering - before they went back to the demanding task.

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   According to the study: “Critically, the context  that improved performance after the incubation period was associated with higher levels of mind wandering,”

 They go on to suggest that: “[This] data suggest[s] that engaging in simple external tasks that allow the mind to wander may facilitate creative problem-solving.”

 So taking a quick doodling or coloring break might not be so bad when you’re faced with a tough problem on that next assignment.

 It may give your mind some time to work out the problem in the back of your mind, that is while you’re bringing to life an Elmo from the pages of your coloring book. Oh look, he has wings! 

    #2.) Plan Your Day in the Morning One.

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     Smart habit? Planning your day in the morning. If you generally know what you’re faced with before you really start your day, you’ll likely have an easier time completing your tasks.

     What is it you want to get done for the day? Have that essay to prep for?   Write that down.

     Need to clean out your closet? Add that to your checklist. While you don’t need to write down everything you do each day, having an idea of what you want your day to look like will help you achieve the result you desire.

      #3.) They Often Try to Figure Out Things Themselves First.

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          Smart people don’t always wait around for someone to tell them what to do. They love to learn things on their own when there isn’t someone around to teach them.

       They’ll hear out the advice and teaching of those more knowledgeable than them for sure, but they also love to figure things out themselves.

       They know when they start a task there may be some difficulty, but they’re not one to give up right away. Perseverance is also a familiar friend of theirs. Intelligent people don’t mind a bit of trial and error. And problem-solving is practically a hobby for some.

         #4.) They Make Others Feel Smart Most.lipstick marks | Amber heard hair, Amber head, Amber heard

         Really smart people don’t like to show off and brag about their intellect. For one,   they often don’t need to, and second, they like to explain things so everyone easily understands.

         They often explain things in a simple way that makes everyone feel comfortable and smart. Often, truly smart people enjoy teaching others in a way that’s digestible and effective.

          #5.) They Don’t Let Failures Stop Them.

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           Most smart people don’t let failures get in their way of success. They may try and fail,   again, and again, and again, but it doesn’t stop them. With each experiment, each trial, and every error, they learn something new.

           Through their failures, they learn more and more how to adjust and correct themselves to get to their goal or the end result they desire.

            #6.) They Meditate If you want to increase your IQ.

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            You may want to add meditation to your daily routine according to neurofeedback research from Siegried Othmer - former president of the neurofeedback division of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.

             Using a specific type of meditation called brainwave training in his study, Othmer found subjects who meditated had an average 23 percent increase in their IQ. The higher IQ remained a year later in a follow-up study, along with improvement in concentration and creativity.

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            Habits Only Smart People Have | Smart People Habits | Habits Of Smart People | habits | smart people

             In a different 2009 study, subjects showed a  significant increase in memory function and cognitive ability along with lowered stress levels by simply engaging in daily 20-minute meditation after only four days.

             Time to relax and get out that meditation pillow. Bring on the 24-hour waterfall sounds video.  Yeah, dear, that is, only for twenty minutes.

            Read this:


            J., Jim, B., Höhler, M. D. & Schuler, J. W. Baird, B., M. Smallwood, J., M. J. (2012). Mind wandering favors creative incubation, inspired by distraction. Psychology, 23(10), 1117-1122. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797612446024

            Jonathan, Mooneyham & Schooler (2013). Mind-wandering costs and benefits: an assessment. Canadian journal of psychology experimental = Canadian Review of experimental psychology. 67. 11-8. 10.1037/a0031569.

            Zeidan, F., J., Müll, M., Müller, S., J., Michelet, M., & M. (2010). Meditation on attentiveness promotes awareness: evidence of short mental training. Awareness and knowledge, 19(2), 597–605. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.concog.2010...

            Odyssey, T. (2021, January 28). 12 Quirky people habits who are more intelligent than everyone else. The healthy. The healthy. https://www.thehealthy.com/habits/hab...

            Game, J. Game (2020, May 19). Learn, share, grow - 15 Truly Intelligent Human Habits. Blue Courage – Serving and protecting those protecting and serving. https://bluecourage.com/learn-share-g...

            Shape, M. S. (2016, November 30). Would you like to increase your IQ to 23%? This simple habit. Inc.com. Neuroscience Say Take Up. https://www.inc.com/melanie-curtin/wa...

            Jones, M. Jones, M. (2017, May 2). 10 Most Smart People's Daily Habits. Inc.com. https://www.inc.com/matthew-jones/10-...

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